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, by Mantak Chia
Free PDF , by Mantak Chia
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Product details
File Size: 6310 KB
Print Length: 288 pages
Publisher: Destiny Books (July 15, 2005)
Publication Date: July 15, 2005
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#350,973 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book goes far beyond any other book I have ever read about female sexuality, and believe me I've read plenty of them over the years. It encourages you to go beyond thinking about sex per se and to use your sexual life force to begin functioning sexually on a much higher level, beyond anything you might even have considered possible.These procedures are designed to give you complete mastery over your body's physical responses. Some can be difficult in thebeginning but practice makes them easier. For example, he shows you step-by-step how to channel sexual energy so that instead ofhaving a physical climax, you can spiral that very energy throughout your body, one location at a time. This has the effect of revitalizing all your organs, glands, and nerves in each location as the energy passes through it. Those familiar with the macrocosmic orbit will recognize the procedure. Once you develop this ability, you will be able to experience greater and more fulfilling physical climaxes that are not localized but involve your entire body. Ultimately it's designed to enable you and your partner to experience a complete physical and spiritual union as well as a union with God or the universe or the higher power or whatever you want to call it..Since it can be difficult to do the steps he describes while holding the book in your hand and reading the instructions, I recommend taping yourself reading the instructions out loud at an un-hurried pace and then using the tape instead of the book to guide you through the exercises.This is a challenging book but completely rewarding if you actually start putting the steps into practice. I had some resistance in the beginning to going and trying some of them. It was much easier to just keep reading. But when I pushed through and followed his instructions for a few things, I was really impressed and inspired by the way they made me feel. The first time I sat down and actually did the entire ovarian breathing process - and believe me, I did NOT do it perfectly - I felt an awakening in my body that was profound and inspiring.. I've been practicing raja, hatha, and swara yoga for a while, so I guess I was ready, but I feel that this book can benefit anyone with even the slightest inclination to try some of the methods he provides, and just a little bit of practice will go a long way.This book isn't for everyone. It's not a bunch of intellectual exercises, but it does involve your mind as well as your body and yourspirit. It provides very practical physical steps that you can do by yourself, and later with your partner. If you think you're goingto simply read it and have it change your life, you could be disappointed. To get the most out of this book you will have to applyyourself. But even if you simply read it, it can open your mind to what is possible. The rewards will probably be on a scale withhow much effort you put into it.The male counterpart to this book is called Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.
It says 'Mantak' is the author however I think his wife wrote or closely edited this book. The personality of this book is precious.I think it is the best book they produced and it is one of the first written if not published a little later. If you are into martial arts, this information can be very meaningful to begin to comprise a rare and viable path. It can be easily misunderstood from western conventional thinking. It's like learning to unfathom the art to make good tea now that you appreciate good coffee. The formulas are within oneself, so it is a good usable guide to discover the language and thinking processes or mindset for developing one's own "Formulas". It briefly touches upon the deleterious karmic consequences of tantric yoga mal- practice, however that is a whole'nother'world and if you are truly seeking an alternative way, this book could be a catalyst to helping you to finding your destiny.. Who knows, with this knowledge base, you might win the first marathon that you ever run!
Very useful if you feel drained after sex and want to remedy that. Also learned that sex isn't about frequency as much as it is about quality...I've actually stopped having sex as much, but I'm not sure if it's because of the book or because my marriage is falling apart.
Came way sooner and damaged free. It's a very interesting read and I can't wait to receive my Yoni Eggs so I can do the exercises that just do happened to be mentioned in the book!
I am so glad that I bought this book! At a time in my life where being "in tune" with my mind, body, and soul is a priority; this book is like a guidepost for deepening my relationship with Self. As my relationship with Self deepens, then my relationship with others improves.
I have been working with this book for a little under a month, and am very happy with the progress I've been making. I totally understand other reviewers' concerns that a subject and method this complex should be taught in person; however, as a person who has been working gently with meditation, yoga, kundalini energy and related methods for roughly ten years, I feel that this book is an appropriate self-teaching tool for myself and others like me.Moving energy through the body often isn't an easy thing, even for someone experienced with energy/body work. It's something that should be described in detail, as this book does without becoming pedantic. I particularly am appreciative of the recommendation that the reader master one section before moving to the next. I'm still working on the Microcosmic Orbit (Chapter 4), and have not yet progressed to Ovarian Breathing. I would like to go faster, and am at times frustrated, but failure with other methods has shown me that a time-tested and contemplative method such as this one is just the right way for me to go.This method is working for me, and has worked for countless people since it was first written in 1986. Not only am I experiencing an improvement in the intimate areas of my life, I also am having a much easier time sending energy to a particular spot in my body and sensing energy in others. This is very important to me, as I am currently working toward Reiki II training.The most wonderful thing of all: this book aims to empower people to enrich the private, sensual moments in their lives, but the benefits of what this author illustrates extend far beyond intimate encounters and into the realm of everyday life. This is wholly expansive and utilitarian material, for the serious seeker of a higher energy and a higher life potential.
I just received this today and began reading, very interesting and a topic I am greatly appreciative to be learning about. Every woman should embark on this journey it is our divine birth right.
Wow. Should have read this one in my twenties
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